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How does FloatSesh work?

FloatSesh allows sellers to list their products or services right on our directory. If sellers already have an established website they can also simply provide a link to their product or service as well.

What is a Float Guide

A onewheel enthusiast employed to show others the most stoke filled places of interest.

How do rentals work?

Renters are required to sign a waiver liability form. A credit card hold for $1600 will be placed until the board is returned. Renters and rentees can purchase damage protection insurance. If no insurance is purchased the renter is responsible for any damages.

How does insurance work?

Renters can purchase damage protection insurance for $14.99 a day. Insurance covers up to $800 in damages. This does not include water damage or theft. There is an $80 dollar deductible that will apply if you need to file a claim. If no insurance is purchased, renter is responsible for any potential damages.

Those renting out boards can purchase damage protection insurance as well for $14.99 a day. Damage protection will cover up to $800 in damages. There is an $80 dollar deductible that applies to all claims. Does not include water damage or theft. If you do not purchase damage protection insurance, any possible damages will be settled between you and the renter. FloatSesh will investigate all claims accordingly. Fraudulent claims will be reported and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

How much does it cost?

Listing on FloatSesh is free. We offer buyer and seller protection through Stripe during check out at a low fee of 2 percent. This is less than selling on PayPal and Ebay.

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